Thursday, July 31, 2008

Gym workout - July 31st, 2008

A new workout! Hereafter to be known as the "Gut Buster."

While I've been happy with my progress at the gym, the one area I really want to work on is my stomach, so with the introduction of a new (to me) machine - the Torso Rotation - I set up this workout:

5 minutes cardio
10 reps on the Keiser abdominal (70kg / 150lb)
10 reps on the Keiser lower back (70kg / 150lb)
10 crunches
10 reps, each side, on the Cybex torso rotation (40kg / 90lb)

All this, times 3.

One other interesting thing I noticed today. Usually when I'm doing my cardio, if I'm on a bike it'll be a recumbent one. But today I use a regular one and it was a very different feeling. Must remember to incorporate both bike types in my routine.